Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Need a Me Day...

I am so tired. I haven't been sleeping well. I don't really care to eat much of anything. I certainly don't want to do anything (clean house, cook dinner, wash dishes included).

No I'm not depressed or hormonal, I just need a me day. With three kids, 1 full day, 1 half day and the attached to my hip, it ain't gonna happen. I guess a mom or wife, make that woman can dream right!?

I don't even want to go shopping, which at first really does sound like the confession of depressed and rather whacked woman, but that's not it.

If I could just take off for a day, I would. Maybe even a couple days, but no more than that. That's about as long as I can stay gone and still have the house standing when I get back. I would go to a bed & breakfast. Maybe even in the middle of week. Now how rebellious is that!

Yep, a bed & breakfast sounds just fine. One where the bedrooms don't have clocks in them and whenever I decide to wake up, I am welcomed to breakfast while still in my pajamas. I don't care what they feed me so long as there are some strawberries and whipped cream.

After breakfast, I would go for a horse back ride (that is after I changed my clothes of course), take a break read a book under the shade of a big tree then pick some fresh flowers for my room. Upon arrival to the b & b, lunch would await me in the gazebo through the garden.

After lunch I would enjoy a spa session. Perhaps a seaweed wrap, massage, manicure and pedicure and a facial. That would probably take a few hours, but without a clock in my presence, who's counting?

As evening sets in, I will sit as I am served dinner on the terrace of my room. I will take my time and savour every bite, not worrying about getting the dishes done, shooing the cat off the table pleading with the kids to eat more take less or my husband to eat less and help more! And I will enjoy the sunset knowing that I will retire to a room filled with the scent of fresh flowers and my bed all made (by somebody else) after the jacuzzi.

Well, I did say I could dream!