Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time to Move On

I haven't written on my blog for a long time. I wasn't really sure what I should write or how much to tell. Well, I can tell you this, life in this Home of Loving Chaos has changed. A lot!

Where to start? I've filed for legal separation and have petitioned for divorce from my husband. Our 3 children are not thrilled about it, but I need to do what's best for my 4 children. Oh right, I'm 6 months pregnant!

I have been married to the same man for 11 years, together for 13. And in all that time, I have never truly been happy with him. I have had times where I've somehow convinced myself that I was happy, but I guess I couldn't keep up the charade.

I have been silent for a long time, but no more. My (soon-to-be ex) husband is abusive. He is emotionally abusive to me and he is verbally abusive to both me and the children. So although the decision to divorce should have been a difficult one, because of the children we share and our strong religious beliefs, he made it very easy for me.

I want out! I want to have a better, happier, healthier life. I want my children to have better, happier, healthier life instead of hearing their parents constantly bickering or having their father yell at them daily. I want my children to have a decent male role model in their lives. I want to smile again. I want to feel free to be the best mom I can be without having this dark cloud hover over me.

It's easy for people to ask "why not give him another chance?", but you haven't lived my life nor have you walked in my shoes. A person can only take so much. I'm not saying I am perfect, I'm not and I know I'm not.

It's time to move on to greener pastors and I am SO ready.....