Sunday, December 25, 2011

Things Change and So Have I...

"I'm 32 years old. I've been married for 11 years and we have 3 children. Two boys, 10 & 7, and a girl, 4 years old. I am a working stay-at-home mom with a blog!"

Well, that used to be me. Now I'm 33 years old. I am mid-divorce after an 11 years+ marriage. I have 4 children. Two boys, 11 & 8, and two girls, 5 & 1. I am a single mom of four with a blog!

It's been a long time since I've blogged. Partly because of a lack of interest due to my discontentment with my life at present and partly because there just isn't an APP for that!

Hello. My name is Ebbonnie and I am an APP-a-holic. I have an iPhone attached to me like a Siamese twin. But it's all good. My entire life and brain are in my phone. Seriously, I'd be brain dead without it :) BTW: I will try to let you in on any fab APPs I come across as often as I can.

Anyway, I've been through A LOT since September 2010. Duh, obviously. It's nearly 1 am Christmas morning and instead being snuggled in my warm bed with the love of my life, I'M BLOGGING!! I need a life... I need a man...

I've learned that people aren't always what they appear or what they say. You can only really know a person based on the bulk of their actions and behavior. I've learned that you tend to see a person's true colors in the worst of situations. I've learned that in life, there really isn't a single person you can truly rely on. I've learned that not even YOU are aware of what you are capable of. I've learned that sometimes you are stronger than you think you are and sometimes you aren't nearly as strong as you would like to think. I've learned that "kids are resilient" is a definate understatement. I've learned that people who preach forgiveness are less forgiving, compassionate and understanding than people who don't step foot into church. I've learned that EVERYONE makes mistakes and learning from those mistakes is what makes you wiser. I've learned a lot. More than I can blog about at this hour.

I am not perfect. I make mistakes. I am trying to learn from my mistakes. I realize I will continue to make mistakes because I am human. And I am flawed.

I am on the never-ending roller coaster of life. Well, of my life anyway. When I'm up, I am UP! And when I'm down, I am down. I have endured a lot of pain and heartache and I see no reprieve in sight. But I am a mother. A single mother. And life must go on. My babies are fabulous and growing so fast. And I love them dearly.

I am Ebbonnie-Dawn. Welcome to my new life!