Monday, June 8, 2009

Who Needs Hobbies Anyway!

I swear this has been the busiest month of my life. Or the busiest 2 months. I'm not even sure anymore. What month is it anyway?

With both boys playing soccer twice a week on different teams and sometimes in different towns, work and devoting our lives to God, there really doesn't seem to be a whole lot of time for ourselves.

As a mother it is really important to me to be on the parent council. I am also on a planning committee for a community event in a nearby city. And I'm trying to potty my 3 year old daughter. Yes, I did say 3 year old. Both my boys were potty trained for day and night by 3. Someone once told me girls potty trained faster and easier than boys. Uh, ya right. I should send my daughter there for a few days and let them tell me that joke again after they've picked up poop 'presents' and washed her 'big girl undies' 5 times a day. Maybe that's why my hydro bill was so high this month. I'll bet with my luck they'd send her back home in 2 days fully potty trained and with an invoice for time and services!

You know, I used to have hobbies. Yeah, those things you like to do when you have free time. At this present time I do have things I like to do, but no free time.

Things I like to do + free time = hobby. Guess I don't have any hobbies.

Since I have decided to serve God full-time (instead of half-hearted or whenever I'm faced with trials, tribulations and a big hydro bill), I have found myself wanting to do more. What more can I do to please God? What more can I do to help the church? So now I'm part of the Outreach committee. Yep, it's a start.

Who needs hobbies anyway?!

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