Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Am So Not Old!!

I have a long time friend that I've known for over 20 years. Ever since we started getting older (25 yrs old), we've teased each other about our age.

**I am well aware that 25 yrs of age, aka 1/4 of a century years old, is not old at all. Mind you, when you are in high school, 25 seems really old and the age I am now is pretty well ancient.**

Now keeping in mind my best girl friend is a FULL year older than me, that makes it even more fun. Every birthday she reminds me how old I'm getting and I, of course, remind her that no matter how old I am, she is still older!

So now here we are in our thirties. I am 31 yrs old so she'd obviously be 32. She lives in Toronto, Ontario and I live on a farm in rural Manitoba.

She is in a long term relationship with her partner and has no children. I've been married 10 years and have 3 children, 3 dogs and a cat.

She and her partner take trips to Mexico, Texas, Cancun etc and wear bikinis on the beach. I'm lucky if I can escape to Wal-Mart by myself and I try to my best to avoid all things bathing suit-related and I am quite happy being fully clothed if I even make it to the beach.

OK wait. Now not only am I feeling old, but I think I may also be slightly depressed. I mean based on the comparison I just made of my best girl friend and myself, who seems older? No but wait! Not older.....more mature!!!

It doesn't really matter.

I have already decided that although I may forget things, like where I put the phone, where I was going, the only 3 items on my shopping list or what I was gonna say now that I have you on the phone. Although there may have been a few grey hairs spotted on my head. Although my muscles are stiff, my knees ache when it rains and my bones creak....I am so not old!

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