Wednesday, February 11, 2009

AeroGarden week 4:Now We're Growing!

Wow, what a difference a couple weeks makes! No really!! In fact, once my herbs took off, you could definitely see a difference in size from the beginning to the end of the day.

Since the add nutrient light has come on, I know it's been 2 weeks!

I've had to add the next nutrient tab...

and top up the water.

This is so low maintenance that maybe I shouldn't even be allowed to call it gardening...but I will. Yep, I'm gardening.

I've reset the ad nutrient button for another 2 weeks. So now I only have one problem. What to cook?

I need to start harvesting these beautiful herbs so they keep growing. Let me refer back to the instructions on to harvest without killing the herbs. When I've built up enough courage to do it, I'll let know!

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