Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God is SO Good

I realize it has been a while since my last post, so here's the latest 411!

I mentioned I was getting baptized. Well my husband and I both got baptized on March 1st. Wow, what a day and what an experience!

We've become members of an United Pentecostal Church and UPC's baptize as per the good old King James Version of the bible. There's no sprinkling over here. We took the plunge and got buried in the water just as Jesus was buried when he died for us (not in water, but you understand). Fully submerged and baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of our sins (Act 2:38).

I really didn't know what to expect, but when I came out of the water, I felt lighter. Almost like a weight had been lifted. Perhaps the weight of my sins. That's a lot of weight, but we won't go there!

When my husband was baptized, I could see the spirit of God working on him, but I can't really tell you how he felt. I imagine wet would be in there somewhere, but otherwise...

The following Sunday, my husband was filled with the spirit of the Holy Ghost and I the Sunday after that. We spoke in other tongues just as the bible says (Acts 2:4). Pretty intense I'll tell ya!

Since my husband and I decided to serve God, our lives have been forever changed. We attend our regular Sunday service, but also attend prayer meetings, church bible study and home bible study. It's like we just can't get enough.

Life and earth as we know it wasn't just a happy accident. It was God! Every morning you wake up, it is because God made it so. If you've a roof over your head, food on your table and shoes on your feet, you're not lucky... you are blessed. In everything give thanks.

So to recap...

I've got the three keys to inherit the kingdom of God (Repentance, Baptism and Holy Ghost). What more could a gal want?

**please note: The three keys are only the start. You still need to live a good christian life, pray, give God praise & worship...and read the bible!

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