Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yums Yums

I was recently invited to attend an Epicure party.

It was nice to see old neighbors and meet new ones. We've all been kind of hibernating this winter. With all the snow, the gravel (more like mud) roads have been terrible. All part of living in the country I guess.

Anyway, got to try various dips. This was not my first party, so I knew what I wanted. In fact, I had just been saying I needed to refill some of my dip mixes, then I got the invitation.

Our gracious host made us a lovely lemon cake. Here's Ellie's recipe;


540-g- pkg Lemon cake mix
4 eggs
1/4 cup water
540-ml can of lemon pie filling

In bowl mix cake mix, eggs and water until blended.
Fold in lemon pie filling.
Spread in a 11 by 17 inch cookie sheet....I used a 10 by 15 pan
Bake at 350F for 18 to 20 minutes. cool.....
Frost with icing.
This freezes very well and always gets great reviews.

250 g cream cheese
1/2 cup margarine
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1- 1/2 cups icing sugar
2 tbsp Epicure Lemon Chiffon [optional]
or grated rind of a lemon.........

You may thin the icing with lemon juice if using

Ellie served this cake us. It was moist, light and absolutely delectable! I've also got an Epicure recipe for cheddar, garlic and herb biscuits. I will try making them and then let you know.

In the meantime, find yourself an Epicure rep, get what you need for the cake and enjoy a taste of sunshine. It may be the sunshine you get for a while :)

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