Tuesday, January 13, 2009

AeroGarden Week Two

So it's been 2 weeks since I planted my very first 3-pod AeroGarden with the Gourmet Herb seed kit and the domes have come off. I know it's been 2 weeks because the 'Add Nutrient' indicator light came on. Somehow this brilliant machine knows to turn on the 'Add Nutrient' light every two weeks.

Now because we have the 3-pod garden and we're using a regular (good for 3-pod & 6-pod gardens) seed kit, there are a couple of little things to remember.

When you first plant the desired 3 seed pods, instead of adding the 2 provided starter nutrient tabs, just add 1. And each time you are prompted to add more nutrients, you only require a half dosage which 1 tablet. You'll find that the tablet are portioned 2 per baggie. I just took out 1 tablet and put the other tablet, still in it's non-resealable baggie, into a Ziploc bag.

Each time you add nutrients, you must also refill the water to the 'Fill to Here' tab located inside the garden bowl. To reset (turn off) the 'Add Nutrient' light, press and hold the 'Reset' button (located in the middle of the control panel) until the 'Add Nutrient' blinks, for about 3 seconds then release. Press and release the 'Reset' button again, the 'Add Nutrient' light will blink quickly a few times and then turn off. Now it has been reset for another 2 weeks.

**Be sure to read the baggies are they are labelled, starter nutrient and nutrient!

So I'm not yet reaping what I've sowed, but my indoor herb garden isn't dead. So far...

You know, if you really look at the 3-pod AeroGarden we have, I mean reeeaaallly look at it. With its shape and it being white, it really looks a lot like Eve, from the Wall E movie (cute movie by the way!).


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