Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Blog 1, Post1 and many more...I hope!

This blog is dedicated to my loving family who make up our 'Home of Loving Chaos'.

We are a family of five human members and lots of furry and feathered members. We live on a small hobby farm in rural Manitoba.

I am a 30 year old working stay at home mom. I've been married for almost 10 years and we have 3 wonderful children. Two boys, 8 & 5, and a 2 year old daughter.

My family and I have a lot of interests and various hobbies. I've decided to start this blog to share our experiences, interests and hobbies with others who might be able to relate so they can see just how normal their family really is!

I work from home and as I said, I have 3 children. In my spare time (usually around 12am-2am), I enjoy sewing, knitting, beading, gardening, card-making, geocaching and shopping online. I have recently added scrapbooking to my list of interests. Now I haven't actually scrapbooked anything, but I really am interested!

This fall we installed a pellet stove in our home. So far we've only burned pellets, but we might start experimenting with corn. I'll let you know how that goes...

Just before Christmas, we bought a 3-pod AeroGarden. We are really excited to see what we grow. Again, I'll keep you posted.

My husband Tim studied to be a Health Care Aide and made a living at it for a while. Now he works for Ford. He is a loyal fan of the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and enjoys playing baseball and hockey.

Our first son Jay is 8 years and currently in grade 3. He loves Star Wars, Pokemon, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and dinosaurs. He's got a great sense of humour and a real sense of adventure.

Our second son Tre will be 6 this Thursday and he is in kindergarten. He loves everything his older brother loves and Power Rangers. He's always blowing my mind with his ever growing vocabulary.

Then there's the baby, Ally. She is 2 years and just a little woman in training. She's the performer. Loves singing & karaoke, dancing and role playing. Our daughter is also a big fan of the Doodlebops. We'll be taking in their "Together Forever" concert in Winnipeg this March. Did I mention her least favorite word is 'No', yet she loves saying it to us?

As I said, I am a working stay at home mom. There is no way I could manage 7 plus blogs without severe sleep deprivation. One will do. Now I'm a working stay at home mom with a blog!

Mother of three and still lovin' it!

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