Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brrr, I'm so over winter...

That's it. I've had it. Cold, cold, go away, and never come back!

It seems there's just no way of escaping. Well unless you have some of that disposable income I've heard of. Or maybe if you win the lottery. If I had 1 or the other, I'd be writing my blog from the white sandy beaches of Barbados. No I wouldn't be tanning, my tan lasts all year round!

I would be sipping cocktails while planning my next trip to Bridgetown to buy souvenirs for all relatives at home freezing. I would stuff my face with mango and flying fish, well not together yuk...or maybe...

Hello. Snap out of it. The closest thing to the sea I'm getting to today is a hot shower if I'm lucky. Jay has started having showers, How much hot water does an 8 year old need anyway?

Nope, I have resorted to hibernation. Not even shopping is incentive enough to get me out of my jammies. Dream on, for I am a brave soldier. Also known as a mother. Although I work fro home, I still brave the cold Monday to Friday to pick up Tre from kindergarten. I suppose I could wear my pj's to school, but I kind of sort of decided to dress less homely and more feminine as a New Year's resolution.

Well instead of sitting on the beach, I'm on the couch. Instead of sipping cocktails under the Caribbean sun, I'm sipping a cocktail in front of the pellet stove. And instead feeling warm sand through my toes, I'm knitting slippers to keep my feet warm.

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