Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Project: AeroGarden

I love to plant seeds and see what happens. Don't care too much for the weeding thing so last summer I bought a mini tiller from Husquavarna. Apparently aside from planting seeds, pulling or tilling weeds and ample sunshine, you still need to water the garden if you don't get enough rain.

My flower bed was beautiful. There were a few gaps in between my perennials since this was a brand new garden and my understanding is that each year my flowers will grow bigger and fuller.

My veggie garden was purely experimental. We decided to plant a wide variety veggies to see what would grow in our clay-based soil. The green and purple beans did well as did the tomatoes, lettuce, onions and snap peas. My husband's dog, Will, ate all of my mini watermelons. The bugs ate the spinach. And the corn grew tall without maturing, I think due to insufficient rain. Or could it be that Will chewed up both of my garden hoses so I could not provide water and the local stores were all sold out of hoses?

I did plant a raised herb garden outside my kitchen door. Chives, lots of basil (I love pesto), thyme, purple sage, cat mint and lemon balm (my favorite). That garden thrived and watering with my super-sized watering can was easy. I suppose the herbs tasted great although I wouldn't know. Will got to those too.

I've tried growing herbs indoors before. Spring, summer, fall or winter. Really didn't matter, they always died! This year I got smart. Well I hope I got smart! This year I bought a 3-pod AeroGarden. It was a special purchase for $79 at Canadian Tire.

This garden came with the English Cottage seed kit. I didn't want to do flowers, so I purchased the Gourmet Herb seed kit for $19.99. This kit comes with 6 seed pods (sweet basil, chives, dill, mint, oregano and common thyme). I planted the basil, chives and thyme on Sunday, December 28, approximately 1 week ago. Set up was easy and quick and somewhat exciting. All my seeds have sprouted. The basil and thyme are about a half inch high and the chives are about an inch high.

Do you know what this means? This means I may finally have a successful indoor herb garden!

I'll keep you posted with the success or failure of my AeroGarden. In the meantime if you have any questions about my garden, just ask.

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